Aliya is a writer from BK. She is the founder of the non-profit
Ride Up Grades
"I’ve been riding for over 40 years. I’m thrilled that due to the pandemic, people have come to embrace cycling and are heading out to ride! For me, it helps keep my perspective on the world we are lucky to live in. Humans were built to MOVE .. and being outdoors helps to refresh/balance that. Here is my one Question- did you ever get off a bike ... and not SMILE"
"I was furloughed for 2 months during COVID. Cycling helped me stay balanced through all the chaos. Gyms were closed so this allowed me to release all the energy I needed to stay well and centered. Cycling is my therapy: physical and mental!"
"It feels like the only real escape. gained freedom, really from me - to stop sitting on social media or in my apartment hiding. the world sucks sometimes but being on my bike, it sucks a bit less."
"A feeling of adventure, a great cardio workout, freedom, the chance to explore my city from a different vantage point, and an activity I can enjoy safely with friends and family."
"An ass that can CRACK WALNUTS"
Initially, it was something my daughter and I could share together. Now It's become a great way to get exercise in and a new way to challenge myself, either by focusing on improving my speed or distance. It's also very convenient and cost-effective when I realised almost all My driving trips could be accomplished with a bike and a bookbag.
It feels great, the exercise (better for my knees than running), the progression (gradually doing more miles), the rush, it’s really therapeutic.
I was able to keep some sense of normalcy
As a weekend warrior. Riding has not been stop. I have learn to ride for the joy of being outdoors and not making goals as part of my riding. I also will not fear stop me riding with my fears, with social distancing applied when I am off the bike
Cycling is my place of peace. It’s my form of meditation. It allows me to balance mind & body, blocks out the clatter & noise, while focusing on one thing, the ride. With all the challenges & anxieties that 2020 has brought us, it’s a must to have that place of peace
Just kept cycling. Ignored the insanity and hysteria. Exercise, less stress, and sun fortifies the immune system. That is my normal behavior all the time and especially during this time. My lifestyle fortifies my system and I also eat intelligently in order to maintain my health. That is more important than anything else. And I do not choose to live in fear hiding in a cave. I’m an ICU RN.
Cycling solo is very therapeutic. Cycling with good friends is a great way to Get out safely and have fun
My greatest achievement thus far is teaching my daughter how to ride her bike.
Peace of mind, serenity, confirmation that the world is still a beautiful place and that is NOT all turning to shit.
To start my Ironman training.
The light traffic during lockdown was magic. I explored a lot of cool places, rolled newly empty roads.
Great cardio that turned into a passion
The light traffic during lockdown was magic. I explored a lot of cool places, rolled newly empty roads.
Transportation! I love Uber but I’m avoiding germs by scootering and biking for now
To do more rides when no one is out like 5-8am on Sunday. The lack of stress and stimuli riding around in April/May was a dream. So much less tired too from the lack of cortisol flowin
It took me a while to get back on my bike after the initial lockdown, but once I did it enabled me to get out of my own neighborhood without having to use public transit or ubers, which I was avoiding for both covid safety and financial reasons. And now my bike has enabled me to take on a new part time job which I love. It's only a little more than 2 miles away, but being able to bike there cuts almost an hour off my roundtrip commute versus walking. Or about $20 versus taking a car (which is a lot when the shifts are only 3 1/2 hours!)
Learning how to bike with no hands was so exciting! I rediscovered how much I loved biking during quarantine and I was able to think through and get out a lot of things that came up during quarantine. It is so freeing to bike and the best space to be in. It’s also so much easier on my knees, which allows me to challenge myself and go even farther!
Cycling helped me deliver food and supplies to friends that were quarantined. Cycling kept me physically healthy during the pandemic. Cycling kept me socially active which was vital to my mental health. Cycling gave me new friends and new destinations. Cycling helps me see that I was not alone and saw many new riders on the road. Cycling helped me learn a new trade and gave me a new source of income during the scariest economical times of this generation. Cycling pretty much saved my sanity and saved my life
That daily exercise has completely changed my day to day. Knycoe sent October 28It gives me time to think and just escape. Just me and the road. I love it. I had to take a bus yesterday n i wanted to cry lol
I ride during the pandemic for a great excuse to get outside, a way to stay connected, opportunities to explore, to challenge myself, exercise, stress management, and maybe most importantly, to have some fun on two wheels.
I ride for freedom, both mental & physical. I ride for solitude yet I also ride for camaraderie.
Cycling is and has always been, my therapy, both mental and physical. When the virus started to spread, I’ll admit that I had a moment of panic but the bike became both my counselor and physical therapist. On the road or the trainer, wheels spinning, music in the ear, thoughts racing, cycling was an opportunity to analyze and evaluate, even if I didn’t always find a resolution. There is peace on the bike that I simply cannot find elsewhere.
I gained lots of friends & learn health is wealth along with consistency is key
I’ve learned that even in the times of quarantine, I still have my bike, on a trainer, and are able to use Zwift and ride with folks from all around the world... any time of the day or night! With Zwift and their training programs I can continue to strive for a healthy, cancer-free life!
Cycling not only helped to maintain my physical health, but also my overall mental health. It’s been great to disconnect from the norms of society while appreciating the majestic views that surround us while cycling.
Pushing the pedals is what keeps me pushing at life. It is my escape, it is my passion, and I use it as a way of meditation. Having tough days on the bike reminds me what it means to be alive. Other than that, I ride in preparation to race in front of my friends and family. I ride to stay fit and healthy. I ride because it is the only way.
I learned that cycling and mental health goes a long way. Showed me discipline and how to fuel my body properly. As well meet these group of guys that became brothers to me
I hadn't done as much cycling this off session as I did last year. I went to Denmark and had grand plans to participate in a 500k challenge for a week. My mom bought me a bike for my Christmas present and I thoroughly intended on using it. Plans were derailed by a flat tire on my first ride, Inclement weather, and just a general lack of enthusiasm due to pandemic woes of everything being shut down. No place to go meant no reason to ride. That all changed when my mom needed to run errands on her cargo bike and convinced my sister to come and well, I wasn't going to stay home alone. We started riding as a family here and there. No long epic soul-crushing hammer fest. Just simply living the everyday life of a Dane who uses their bike for a different purpose and plain old enjoyment. It taught me not to take myself so seriously. Riding to the corner store with mom or riding to my sister's dental appointment was just as enjoyable and purposeful as training for fitness and racing. I loved that I was able to take a.Step back and view cycling differently for a month. My bike didn't demand more than I was willing to give and that was OKAY.
Cycling gave me a healthy and physical outlet to the large shared trials of isolation and monotony during the quarantine. Through cycling, I was able to explore and experience new places at a pace that feels unmatched by anything. What started out as a necessary means of transportation has become my favorite lens to see the world.
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